Sunday, March 20, 2011

Tulis jo kevät...

A photo from May 2010... I miss spring so much! And summer too of course ;D
And as I told about what sports I did on Monday-Wednesday, here's the rest of the week:
 Gym 1h30min
Crosstrainer 30min
Zumba 1h
Crosstrainer 30min
Tennis 1h
Crosstrainer 1h30min
I walk to school every day and on Saturday I did shopping for hours but I don't count them as sports so I didn't write them down.. Well anyway, today I feel happy to rest because I was really tired yesterday! I went to sleep before 9pm because I couldn't stay awake ^^'

1 comment:

  1. you really seem to love sports! :O That's why you keep good figure :D *g*
