Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What is it?

This task is a bit too easy for the Finns.. Oh anyway, I'm way too tired to write a proper post today... I need more sleep!!!!!! :(


  1. I am following @FinEmbTokyo, embryo of Finland in Tokyo's twitter account. It is so fun, and I enjoy small things about Finnish's common knowledge and Finn. Especially many words of Finn sound like Japanese, some are cute and some are funny, and I love them :p haha

  2. And I found that it is impossible for me to learn Fin!!!!

  3. Oh somehow my older comment has deleted!!! ek!

    I follow @FinEmbTokyo, a twitter account of the Finland ambassador in Tokyo. It is so intersting cultually and linguistically, and I enjoy things about dairy life in Finland, and Finn.

    Some Fin words sound like Japanese, some are cuuute and some are funny, and I love them !!! :D

  4. The pronunciation is easy! But the grammar... oh no :D!
